About Us

Our experience began back in 1997. Ten years later, we became pioneers in migrating WIN solutions to the WEB.
In 2010, we entered the world of Broadcast with the significant challenge of rescuing and managing the entire historical archive of a television channel.
To accomplish this, we created a completely unique and sophisticated tool capable of overcoming all obstacles in media management.

We implemented digitization processes, organized printed documentation, and created a new digital object that faithfully replicated the original.
We developed an efficient and secure storage system capable of handling massive volumes of audiovisual material.
It is fast for searching and producing new content, accessible from anywhere, intuitive, and secure in both access and material preservation.

"Our respect and responsibility for archives motivate us to develop one of the best professional tools in the industry."

Editor de Video AMELIA MAM

Our Mission

Develop reliable applications that improve the performance of your work team and your company.

Comprometidos con los Archivos Audiovisuales y la Gestión

Our Plan

Offer practical tools to the market that make a real difference in resource optimization.

Equipo de Trabajo Profesional y Comprometido

Our Vision

Offer personalized service, dedicating our efforts to the constant success of our clients.

Our Partners

Boost your content

AMELIA is a computer system used to manage and organize digital media assets such as videos, images, audio, and documents on a large scale for media companies or multimedia content producers. It is a computer system used to efficiently manage and organize both physical and digital media assets, including videos, images, audio, documents, and more, for media companies or multimedia content producers.

It offers a variety of benefits, including:

  • Efficient organization and storage: Enables organized and centralized management of digital media assets, making their storage and retrieval in the future easier.
  • Time savings and cost reduction: Helps save time by automating asset management processes such as cataloging, transcoding, and content distribution, thereby reducing production costs.
  • Remote collaboration: Allows team members to collaborate on projects remotely, improving efficiency and production speed.
  • Copyright control: Allows for copyright management and the implementation of security measures to protect digital media assets.
  • Content monetization: AMELIA can help television channels and multimedia content producers monetize their content through the sale or licensing of usage rights.
In summary, a Media Asset Management (MAM) system is a key tool for television channels and multimedia content producers looking to improve the efficiency and profitability of their business.
"Focus on content creation and let AMELIA manage and enhance the productivity of your work team."
Store, organize, and distribute all your audiovisual content on a single centralized platform. Developed especially for television channels, content producers, radio stations, film schools, audiovisual archives, governments, and news agencies.

Centralized File Management

AUDIO, IMAGE and VIDEO support in all formats for professional and non-professional use (mxf, avi, mov, mp4 > wav, aac, mp3 > tiff, png, jpg) among dozens of other formats.

Rights Management

Keep control of your emission contracts and the Intellectual Property Rights of all your files, own or those from third parties. Know when contracts expire and avoid costs due to license management failures.

I need it, I find it!

We developed our own search engine to produce the best results.
Advanced search by multi filters, by Events, Smart Tagging and statistics generation, will help you find what you are looking for among hundreds of thousands of files

Fast and Efficient

Rendering available by CPU, GPU or iGPU, Task Automation, Automatic generation of Proxies, multilevel quality, transcoding between different formats and online distribution for Social Media

Rating & Emission

Know instantly all your broadcast programming and keep track of the Rating. Know which programs had the greatest impact or which feature films will be more successful and profitable at the time of programming

Security & Collaboration

Let AMELIA optimize the workflow, management and distribution of content (Inside and Outside) your company, by assigning User roles

Take action and take control of your Files

Need help or don't know where to start? We offer you our technical advice free of charge.
Our experience in management and development will guide you in finding a solution to all your doubts and concerns.

Schedule a demonstration

Because we love Data


Fulfilled Projects


Total Media Managed


Hours Managed


Number of Videos


Number of Images


Number of Audios

Our Clients

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(+598) 91-000-900


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